Azee Online

Azithromycin, widely known by its brand name Azee, is a powerful antibiotic used in the treatment of various bacterial infections. This medication is part of the macrolide antibiotic family and works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Azee tablets are commonly prescribed to treat respiratory infections, skin infections, ear infections, and sexually transmitted diseases, among others.

Active IngredientAzithromycin
Brand NameAzee
ManufacturerCipla Pharmaceutical Ltd.

Understanding Azee Tablets

Azee 500

Azee 500mg is one of the most prescribed dosages of azithromycin. It’s designed for adults and children weighing more than 45 kg. The 500mg dosage is typically used for treating respiratory tract infections, skin infections, and more. It’s known for its effectiveness in tackling a wide range of bacterial infections.

Azee 250

For less severe infections or as part of a different treatment regimen, Azee 250mg tablets are often prescribed. This lower dosage is also suitable for a wider range of patients, offering the benefits of azithromycin at a reduced dosage.

Azee 1000

In cases where a high dosage of azithromycin is required, Azee 1000mg may be prescribed. This dosage is typically used for specific, severe infections where a strong dose of medication is needed to combat the bacteria effectively.

How to Buy Azee Online Safely

Purchasing Azee online can be a convenient option for many, but it’s crucial to do so safely. Always use reputable pharmacies that require a prescription from a healthcare provider. Verify the pharmacy’s credentials and ensure they have a licensed pharmacist available to answer questions. Remember, buying medication online should always be done with caution and from trusted sources.

How Azee works

Azee, or azithromycin, works by preventing bacteria from producing proteins that are essential to their growth. Without these proteins, the bacteria cannot grow, replicate, or increase in number. This action helps to halt the spread of infection, allowing the body’s immune system to kill off the remaining bacteria.

Uses of Azee Medicine

Azee tablets are versatile in treating various bacterial infections. Here are some common uses:

  • Respiratory Infections: Including Bronchitis and Pneumonia.
  • Skin Infections: Used to treat conditions such as cellulitis and erysipelas.
  • Ear Infections: Effective in treating middle ear infections.
  • STDs: Azithromycin is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia.

Side Effects of Azee

While Azee is generally safe and effective, some individuals may experience side effects. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Less common side effects can include dizziness, headaches, or changes in taste. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider if you experience any severe or persistent side effects.

Precautions and Interactions

Before taking Azee, inform your healthcare provider about any existing medical conditions or allergies. Azithromycin can interact with other medications, so it’s crucial to discuss all the medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Additionally, Azee should be used with caution in patients with liver or kidney disease.


Q1: What is Azee used for?

A1: Azee, known generically as Azithromycin, is an antibiotic used to treat various bacterial infections. These include respiratory infections, skin infections, ear infections, and some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Q2: How should I take Azee tablets?

A2: Azee tablets should be taken exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. They can be taken with or without food. However, it’s important to complete the full course of the medication, even if you start to feel better, to ensure the infection is fully treated.

Q3: Can I buy Azee online safely?

A3: Yes, you can buy Azee online from reputable pharmacies that require a prescription. Ensure the pharmacy is legitimate, and consult with a pharmacist or healthcare provider if you have any questions about the medication.

Q4: Are there different dosages of Azee available?

A4: Yes, Azee is available in various dosages, including Azee 250, Azee 500, and Azee 1000. The appropriate dosage depends on the nature and severity of the infection being treated.

Q5: What should I do if I miss a dose of Azee?

A5: If you miss a dose of Azee, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it’s almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.

Q6: Can Azee cause side effects?

A6: Like all medications, Azee can cause side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Consult your healthcare provider if you experience severe or persistent side effects.

Q7: How does Azee work?

A7: Azee works by preventing bacteria from producing essential proteins needed for their growth and replication. This stops the spread of the bacteria and allows the immune system to eliminate the infection.

Q8: Can I take Azee with other medications?

A8: Azee can interact with other medications, so it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about all medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. This will help avoid potential interactions.

Q9: Is Azee safe for everyone?

A9: While Azee is safe for most people, it’s only suitable for some. People with liver or kidney disease or those allergic to azithromycin or similar antibiotics should not take Azee. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new medication.

Q10: How long does it take for Azee to work?

A10: The time Azee takes to work can vary depending on the type of infection being treated. Some people may start to feel better within a few days of starting the medication. Still, it’s important to take the full course prescribed by your healthcare provider to ensure the infection is completely cleared.


Azee (Azithromycin) tablets offer a potent solution for treating a variety of bacterial infections. Whether you’re prescribed Azee 500, Azee 250, or Azee 1000, it’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions to ensure effectiveness and minimize side effects. Always purchase Azee from reputable sources, especially when buying online, to ensure the safety and authenticity of the medication.

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